
Man standing up talking with a group of people sitting and standing in an office listening.



The 十大玩彩信誉平台 咨询与教学科学系 offers the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in 教学设计 和发展. Both programs provide high quality educational opportunities that combine practical, "hands on" activities with a solid theoretical foundation. 许多 courses are web-based, which adds additional flexibility to the learning process. 事实上,是有可能完成的 硕士学位完全在线! 

Instructional designers are in high demand in all sectors of the economy - business, industry, K-12 schools, higher education, and local, state, and federal government. 在十大玩彩信誉平台深造. 


南 graduates have been successful in finding employment and internships in Mobile, the surrounding region, around the nation and throughout the world. 校友们最近 被雷神公司,毕博公司,美国.S. 美国海军.S. 海岸警卫队,联邦快递, the United States Sports Academy, Johns Hopkins Medical School and the U.S. 陆军工程兵 的工程师. Program graduates also work in K-12 settings as classroom teachers, curriculum leaders, grant-writers and technology experts.

最近的Ph值.D. graduates have been hired as professors or staff instructional designers at the Johns Hopkins University Medical School, University of Tampa, University of West Georgia, Western Illinois University, Loyola University Chicago, Georgia State University, the University of Memphis, the 十大玩彩信誉平台, the University of West Florida, and Mercer University; various community colleges; and other higher 教育机构. 


If you are looking for an instructional design graduate program that combines a great faculty, talented students from around the world, modern facilities, and hands on experience in a beautiful city, 南 Alabama is the place for you! 我们感觉我们的程序 offers the perfect mix of the academic quality, professional experiences and research opportunities you'll find at a larger school with the small town, individualized, 你会在一所小学校里找到大学氛围.

If there is anything we can do to assist you, please contact us. 我们很乐意告诉你 you more about our programs and discuss how we can help you achieve your personal 职业目标. You may wish to set up a time when you can visit with us, talk to our faculty and students, and tour our facilities.

Thanks again for your interest in the 十大玩彩信誉平台 and Instructional 设计 & 发展研究生项目. 


教学设计 & 发展教师

James Van Haneghan博士.D. (项目协调员)
查盛华博士.D. (项目协调员)


Our faculty are committed to making the IDD program here at 南 Alabama one of the 世界上最好的. Our full-time faculty have practical work experience in instructional design and hold doctoral degrees from nationally and internationally-recognized universities, e.g., University of Georgia, University of Maryland, University of Minnesota, and 密苏里大学. Each is dedicated to the mission of teaching and to keeping 在该领域的前沿课程. 除了教学,IDD的教员 are active in research and scholarship and have authored numerous books, articles, 以及其他十大玩彩信誉平台各种主题的论文. 有很好的机会攻读博士学位.D. students to work closely with faculty on research and consulting projects from the 他们进入项目的第一天.


所有博士生都需要实习. 硕士生可自行选择 把它作为一门实地课程. 它为学生申请提供了第一手的经验 他们在工作场所的IDD知识和技能.
请使用研究生助理申请表 http://lfb2.rockmark.net/大学商学院教授/信息.html 申请研究生助教的职位. 请与项目协调员联系 有关职位详情.