负责办公室:安全 & 环保合规
负责办公室:安全 & 环保合规


1. 目的

This document outlines the 十大玩彩信誉平台 policy regarding the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) in academic and research laboratory areas.

2. 适用性

This Policy applies to all individuals performing research and or academic activities, 包括医生, 教师, 博士后研究人员, 医学专业的学生, 本科生和研究生, 及任何其他获大学授权的访客.

3. 定义


4. 政策指导方针

The 十大玩彩信誉平台 is committed to maintaining a safe work and academic environment for all individuals. Therefore, the following practices will be adhered to.


实验室外套 are to be worn by all personnel and students when handling chemicals, 生物制剂, or radiologicals in the open bench laboratories and secure laboratory suites as determined by risk assessment.

    • 实验室外套, gloves and other personal protective equipment shall be selected based on the hazard associated with the task;
    • 实验室工作服应该合身, 能够完全按下按钮, and cover the wearer’s arms to wrist and legs to at least mid-thigh;
    • Laboratory coat use outside of these areas should be minimized, unless transportation of materials to and from other laboratory areas requires personal protective equipment;
    • 实验室外套 used in the research side of a building are confined to that side of the building and are not allowed to be worn in public, 病人区或管理区;
    • 实验室外套 are not allowed to be worn in kitchens, 休息的房间, 或储存和准备食物的地方;
    • 实验室外套 are not allowed in the elevators, conference room areas, or the bathrooms;
    • Personnel and/or students are expected to keep laboratory coats in good condition and reasonably clean;
    • Hooks have been provided to hang up laboratory coats in each area. 实验室外套 should not be left on equipment, compressed gas cylinders, chairs or on benches;
    • Commercial laundry services are offered in some departments for 教师 and staff. Do not launder lab coats with personal clothing.


    • Chemical resistant gloves are to be worn by all personnel when handling chemicals, 生物制剂, or radiologicals in the open bench laboratories and secure laboratory suites, 包括化学实验室;
    • Gloves should be appropriate for the classes of chemicals being handled, 参考制造商的指南;
    • Consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) section on chemical handing instructions before selecting gloves if manufacture's guidelines are unavailable.

If glove selection information is not available, refer to the glove selection guide on the 十大玩彩信誉平台 Department of Safety and 环保合规 site: http://lfb2.rockmark.net/departments/environmental/resources/gloveselection.pdf. Contact the Building Safety Coordinator for your facility or the Department of Safety and Environmental compliance directly: safetyandenv@rockmark.net.

No single glove material provides protection for all chemicals. However, nitrile exam gloves are recommended as an all-purpose glove for laboratory use. Latex gloves are not resistant to most commonly used chemical and solvents found in laboratories.

    • Gloves are not to be worn outside of laboratory areas;
    • If transportation of materials to and from other laboratory areas requires gloves, then a secondary container or a cart for the material must be used to contain and transport materials. 可以保留一只戴着手套的手, 尽管只要有可能, gloves should not be used outside of the laboratory area;
    • Gloves should not be used to touch door knobs, 电梯按钮, 冰箱/冰柜, or computers that have not been designated as gloves only;
    • If gloves are used on an instrument or computer, it should be designated as “Gloves Only” with clear signage;
    • Gloves used on the research side of a building are confined to that side of the building and are not allowed to be worn in public, 病人区或管理区;
    • Gloves are not allowed to be worn in kitchens, 休息的房间, areas where food is stored and prepared;
    • Gloves are not allowed in the elevators, conference room areas, or the bathrooms.

5. 程序


6. 执行

Principle Investigators (PI's) and/or instructors are responsible for training individuals provided authorized access to laboratories on the provisions of this policy and ensuring its implementation. PI's and instructors who willfully and/or repeatedly fail to implement this policy in their labs may be subject to disciplinary action. Penalties for non-compliance with this policy may include removal from the laboratory, 暂停实验室特权, 或解雇, as appropriate to the conditions and severity of the violation. Willful and/or repeat violations of this policy will be referred to the applicable Director and/or Dean for disciplinary action. Any questions or concerns about this policy can be referred to the Laboratory Safety Committee Chair or the Director of Safety and 环保合规 at safetyandenv@rockmark.net.

7. 相关文档
