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Policy No: 2017
Responsible Office: Safety & Environmental Compliance
Last Review Date: 02/09/2022
Next Required Review: 02/09/2027
Policy No: 2017
Responsible Office: Safety & Environmental Compliance
Last Review Date: 02/09/2022
Next Required Review: 02/09/2027

Aqua Regia

1. Purpose

本政策描述了正确处理和处置王水的建议程序(CAS 8007-56)

2. Applicability

person who works with Aqua Regia.

3. Definitions

Aqua Regia: (拉丁语为“御水”)又称硝基盐酸,是一种腐蚀性强、酸性强、发烟的物质
yellow liquid, 将一份浓硝酸与三份浓硝酸缓慢混合制成
hydrochloric acid.

such as gold, platinum, silver, etc. It fumes and its yellow color is caused by the reaction of nitric acid
with hydrogen chloride to form nitrosyl chloride, chlorine and water – both chlorine and nitrosyl chloride
are yellow and volatile.

Aqua Regia is both an oxidizer and a corrosive material that will, over time, oxidize to form toxic gases

4. Policy Guidelines

4.1  Aqua Regia

王水通常用于去除微加工和微电子实验室中玻璃或贵金属基板上的微量有机污染物. Some specific work practices which should be used are as follows:

4.1.1  Review the appropriate Safety Data Sheet before handling Aqua Regia. 第一次使用王水之前,请咨询PI/高级实验室调查员.

4.1.2  When handling Aqua Regia always wear chemical-splash goggles, lab coat, closed-toe shoes and chemical- resistant gloves (18 mil neoprene, 银盾或任何其他防护硝酸和盐酸的手套). 如果工作量大,建议使用面罩和耐酸围裙
(>200 ml).

4.1.3  Always add nitric acid to the hydrochloric acid slowly.

4.1.王水只能在不含有机物质的正常运行的化学通风柜中使用. The sash should remain down while all reactions are in progress.

4.1.5  Always use Pyrex glass containers. Aqua regia will dissolve some plastics and corrode/dissolve most metals.

4.1.6  Never prepare or manipulate Aqua Regia while alone.

4.1.只混合立即需要的成分,然后在每次使用后销毁剩余的材料. [See Neutralization and Dilution].

4.1.8  If glassware is left to soak, 容器必须清楚地标明“王水-极具腐蚀性”。. A printed, 应在引擎盖的饰带上张贴清晰的说明,以识别在引擎盖内发生的过程.

4.1.9  Never add other acids or bases to Aqua Regia.

4.1.10  Never spray with water. This will result in a very exothermic heating of the mixture.

4.1.在王水中溶解金属或反应有机物会释放有毒气体, so always work with it in a properly functioning fume hood.

4.1.王水溶液的反应性很强,如果与某些有机物发生反应,可能会发生爆炸. 它很可能在反应过程中变热,超过100摄氏度(212华氏度)。. 把热的混合物放在一个打开的容器里,直到它冷却. Handle with care in an uncluttered hood.

4.1.13  Never store or leave Aqua Regia in a closed container. It will oxidize over time to form toxic
Nitrosyl chloride, Nitrogen dioxide, and Chlorine gases. This will pressurize the container and can lead to an explosion.

4.1.王水由于其活性成分的氧化而迅速失去其有效性. Mix fresh solution for each use.

4.2  In the event of an Exposure

Call 911 immediately. After any exposure to Aqua Regia, seek medical attention. If victims are taken to the hospital, 将硝酸和盐酸的sds副本一并发送.

4.2.1  Inhalation

Move the exposed person to fresh air at once. Perform artificial respiration if breathing has stopped. Keep the affected person calm, warm and at rest. 当失去意识时,松开衣服,保持一个安全的恢复姿势. Get prompt medical attention.

4.2.2  Injection

NEVER MAKE AN UNCONSCIOUS PERSON VOMIT OR DRINK FLUIDS. 立即让意识清醒的患者喝大量的水来稀释吞咽的化学物质,并冲洗口腔. DO NOT induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately.

4.2.3  Skin

Promptly remove contaminated clothing, 前往最近的安全淋浴处,用温水冲洗皮肤至少15分钟. Get medical attention immediately if the skin shows signs of irritation.

4.2.4  Eyes

立即前往最近的紧急洗眼处,用温水冲洗眼睛至少15分钟,同时抬起眼睑. Get medical attention.

4.3  In the event of a Spill

4.3.1 .少于200毫升的废溶液的小泄漏,并且不再产生气体, in a fume hood, can be cleaned up by lab personnel, 谁意识到危险,接受过正确的清理程序培训,并能获得适当的安全和清理设备. 如果您没有适当的设备或培训,请与安全部门联系 & Environmental Compliance Department (460-7070).

4.3.2  Wear proper PPE.

4.3.3  Small spills (<200 ml of spent solution) can be soaked up with the appropriate HazMat absorbent pad (use one appropriate for Nitric Acid). Place all contaminated spill debris into a heavy-duty waste bag. Seal bag, attach filled out orange hazardous waste label.

4.3.4  Contact the Safety & 环境合规署(460-7070或safetyandenv@southalabama).edu) for pickup of waste materials.

4.3.5如果有反应性溶液(仍在释放气体的溶液)洒在通风柜中, close the hood sash, inform all other lab personnel of the problem and evacuate the lab. Close door to the lab. 从一个安全的地方拨打美国警察(460-6312)或您的工厂的保安和911,以激活移动消防救援危险品小组. Contact Safety and Environment Compliance (460-7070).

evacuate the room immediately. Close the door to the lab. Evacuate the building by pulling the fire alarm. From a safe location, 拨打美国警察(460-6312)或您的工厂的保安和911,激活移动消防救援危险品小组. Contact Safety & Environment Compliance (460-7070).

4.3.7 Once spilled materials have been cleaned up, 用大量的肥皂和水清洗该区域.

4.4  Disposal Procedures

阿拉巴马州环境管理部和联邦环境保护局都认为王水是有害的, due to its corrosive nature. 在溶液被中和并稀释到pH值大于6且小于11之前,十大玩彩信誉平台和莫比尔地区的水和下水道系统都限制了它的水槽处理.

4.5  Neutralization Procedures


4.5.中和容器应该是一个玻璃烧杯,不能超过2/3满, even after the dilution is complete.

4.5.3  Pour excess, spent waste Aqua Regia into a large quantity of ice (0.5kg of ice per 100 ml solution). Neutralize mixture using an aqueous basic solution, 例如,在水中加入1M或10%的氢氧化钠(NaOH)或饱和碳酸氢钠(NaHCO3),直到pH值在6至11之间. 只有得到安全部门的许可,才可以将中和后的溶液倒入排水管 & Environmental Compliance Department.

4.5.4  If the neutralized solution contains heavy metals (e.g., gold, platinum, lead, chromium, etc.), 溶液应被视为危险废物,必须贴上标签并通过安全处理 & Environmental Compliance (460-7070).

5. Procedures

Not Applicable.

6. Enforcement

与王水有关,并接受过正确处理和处置方法的培训. DO NOT use Aqua Regia unless it is absolutely necessary.

7. Related Documents

Not Applicable.