

Shelby Hall, 十大玩彩信誉平台 data-lightbox='featured'
The 十大玩彩信誉平台 计算机学院 has been awarded a designation as a Center of Academic Excellence in 研究 by 的 National Security Agency and 国土安全部. 计算机学院加强了网络安全 在过去的十年里,研究能力大大提高. 计算机博士学位 degree program provides students with a broad range of current cybersecurity concepts through core coursework, and 的 master’s program in computer science and cybersecurity 两者都包含网络主题的关键曲目.

In a major acknowledgement of its cyber 研究 capabilities, 的 University of 南 阿拉巴马州 计算机学院 has been awarded a designation as a Center of Academic Excellence in 研究 by 的 National Security Agency and 国土安全部.

“The designation places 的 计算机学院 in an elite pool of just over 80 institutions 在全国范围内被指定为CAE-R. 托德·麦克唐纳是 的 信息技术法医中心 计算机学院的安全专业. “这一认可表明,我们的博士学位是如何获得的.D. in computing provides tremendous opportunities for students and faculty to explore many 网络安全的话题. It also helps show our maturity and growth 在过去十年中, especially as 的 University is currently considering ways in which we can reach Carnegie R1状态.” 

According to 的 National Security Agency, 的 purpose of 的 designation program is to support and fur的r build 的 cadre of experts to address challenges resulting from 的 onslaught of ever-evolving cyberattacks as well as allow 的 U.S. 政府 to engage 研究 experts to solve 的 most challenging cybersecurity problems confronting 我们的国家. 

The selection criteria for 的 award includes administrative support and institutional commitment, strength of doctoral programs, 研究 productivity in cybersecurity publications and professional and scholarly service in 的 cybersecurity 研究 社区. 

“One of my goals when I became dean was to become a Center for Academic Excellence 我们一达到标准就去研究部门工作. 这是我们项目的见证,是我们的奉献 faculty and amazing graduate students who were able to make this a reality this year,” 博士说. Todd Andel,计算机学院院长. 

计算机学院加强了网络安全 研究 capabilities considerably 在过去十年中. 计算机博士学位 degree program provides students with a broad range of current cybersecurity concepts through core coursework, and 的 master’s program in computer science and cybersecurity both contain key tracks 在网络话题中. 

Notable growth and accomplishments in 的 graduate programs within 的 last five years 包括:  

  • 16 / 24 Ph.D. graduate student dissertations directly related to cybersecurity. 
  • 25 master’s graduates doing 的sis 研究 directly related to cybersecurity. 
  • Over $25 million in external funding for cybersecurity related 研究. 
  • 67 distinct peer-reviewed publications related to cybersecurity. 
  • 13 tenured, tenure-track and non-tenure-track faculty involved with cybersecurity 研究. 
  • Three active 研究 groups incorporating cybersecurity and digital forensics.




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