Art Student from Mississippi Finds Home in 美洲虎军乐队

Thomas Becnel

Trinity LaBorde, 来自长滩的新生, Mississippi, considered studying music 教育却被艺术所吸引. “在这里,我想要一个新的开始,我想要见面 new people, I wanted to be the person I couldn’t be in high school.“data-lightbox =“特色”
Trinity LaBorde, 来自长滩的新生, Mississippi, considered studying music 教育却被艺术所吸引. “在这里,我想要一个新的开始,我想要见面 new people, I wanted to be the person I couldn’t be in high school.”

#FreshmanFocus is a series of stories on incoming students at the University of South Alabama.

Trinity LaBorde, 来自长滩的新生, Mississippi, followed family members and music teachers to the 十大玩彩信誉平台.

“My aunt went to South and she came with me on my college tour, so she showed me all the places she knew on campus, her old dorm and sorority house, and the nature trails 她过去常常走路,”她说. “我的长号老师,他在 美洲虎军乐队 and the Honors College, and he said I should join, because it’s so much fun and you make new friends.”

LaBorde, 19, plays several instruments – flute, piccolo and marimba – and thought 十大玩彩信誉平台成为一名音乐教育家. 她在一个青年乐队当志愿者,意识到这一点 path was not for her.


“In sixth grade, I was in the Newspaper Club, and I did comics for the paper,” she said. “In high school, I drew the cover for the football program. They had a contest and I won. The cover showed the football team and the band and the cheerleaders. In the background, there was the stadium and a beautiful Long Beach sunset.

“我喜欢创造自己的角色并把它们画出来. 我会画这个人物, Rosie, that was based on me, but she did all the things I couldn’t do growing up. 她出去旅行了很多次. 她会和她的猫奈杰尔一起去冒险.”


“My grandma is from Guatemala and I went there during my sophomore year of high school. 我以前从未真正见过山. 我们去了蒂卡尔,那里有很多 of ancient ruins. 我没想到他们这么高. 你可以放眼望去 the trees.

“我们看到树上有猴子. 他们让我们小心美洲虎. Maybe that was a 这是我来南方的标志.”

How are your art classes?

“In two-dimensional drawing class, we have a new project. 我们得听首歌 然后把我们听到的画出来,但是用抽象的方式. 所以我写了一首叫做“某处”的歌 We Know’ by Keane, and my drawing kind of looks like ‘Starry Night’ and towers.

“南方有点不同. In Long Beach, everybody knows everybody – at Long Beach 高中时,我是第三代学生. 在这里,我想要一个新的开始,我想 to meet new people, I wanted to be the person I couldn’t be in high school.”


“I miss my family. I miss my dad. 在我去上大学之前,我们看了所有的 按时间顺序排列的《十大玩彩信誉平台》电影. I miss my cat. 当我和我哥哥视频聊天时, I’ll say, ‘Show me Jasper,’ but he’ll be out chasing raccoons, and I’m like, ‘Of course he is.’”

“I miss homemade tortillas and my grandma’s chicken noodle soup. I miss my grandpa’s 炸虾和他的小龙虾咖啡.”


“我们刚刚第一次去了莫比尔市中心. 这让我想起了迷你版的新奥尔良. We took pictures. For Labor Day weekend, my friends and I went to Dauphin Island. We thought it would be packed at Orange Beach and Gulf Shores, so we went to Dauphin Island. We just sat on the beach and hung around in the water.

“我们住在爱扑塞隆1号宿舍. 我的室友来自阿拉巴马州的哥伦比亚纳. We have a really good friend who’s always hanging out in our room. We call her our extra roommate.”


“My favorite thing is to go under Moulton Tower at night and look up at the murals. 那是我在校园里的小快乐之地.”

What’s the biggest difference between high school and college marching band?

“我们会进行更多的游行. 我们有赛前和中场表演. More people stay to watch the show. 我爸爸来看我们的第一场比赛. 他看见我们凑钱,为了一首歌 called ‘Waving Through a Window,’ and he said it was so cool.

“在高中时,我就像一个乐队妈妈. 我有创可贴,电解质包,还有 花生酱饼干. I wanted to set a good example, to do the little things to 帮助更大的事情. 我还带着Pedialyte和饼干. You never know.”

What’s the difference between a Mississippi accent and an Alabama one?

“I feel like an Alabama accent is a little deeper, with a longer drawl. A Mississippi 口音稍微轻一点. My brother says I sound different, and I’ve only been here two months.”


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