
To publish a page, click the green Publish button located at the top, right corner.


When you click the publish button, it will automatically run a spelling check, broken link check, and accessibility check. Please review any errors that occur. 

If there is a valid misspelling, broken link, or accessibility error, do not publish 页面. You will need to cancel the publish and fix the error on 页面. 

If there are any images or documents linked to your page that have not yet been published, you will also see a box checked to include unpublished dependencies. 只要你 leave that box checked, these will publish when you publish 页面.

You will need to enter a description of what edits you made to 页面 in the Version 描述. This description shows up in the Versions log where you can manage published 页面的版本.

Publish box showing final check of page.


You can schedule a page to publish at a later date. Once you click the publish button and make sure all of your checks are clear, you can click the Schedule tab at the 盒子的顶部. You can pick the date and time you would like 页面 to publish on. You will receive an email when 页面 is published so you can check the live 网站.
