



Computer 科学 explores computer programming in-depth, from theory to innovative 计算机解决方案开发. It provides the solid foundation in reasoning and logic needed to make processes more efficient and build intelligence capabilities 到系统.


  • 数据科学家
  • 软件开发人员
  • 研究科学家
  • 系统分析师
  • 数据库管理员


Video Game Tinkering Led to Computer Security Career 


Growing up in Montgomery, Alabama, DeMarcus威廉姆斯 liked to tinker with the family computer and his PlayStation console. “What particularly interested me was making the games behave in ways they weren’t meant to” — like getting characters to walk 穿墙.

Now he lives in Maryland, near Baltimore, and he tries to make important parts of the internet behave exactly as they’re meant to. He’s a security engineer with Amazon Web Services, the world’s biggest cloud computing company. 

When AWS engineers create a new feature or upgrade, “that can’t go into production 先通过我的团队.“这是一个艰苦的过程. 他们寻找漏洞 in not only the new code itself, but also all of the devilishly complicated ways it will interact with existing AWS code.


“The people who go above and beyond, who may participate in competitions, who may have a side project or two, those are the candidates that stick out coming right out 的大学.”


Williams graduated from the 十大玩彩信誉平台 in 2018 with a degree in computer 科学. He worked first for the defense contractor Raytheon before moving to AWS.

两位教授,博士. Todd McDonald and department Chair Dr. 尤其是托德·安德尔 帮助他为自己的事业做准备. They’re both Air Force veterans with computer security 背景. They occasionally taught special topics courses for small groups of eight 所以学生们.

“It was a great learning opportunity to get to pick their brains about actually doing security stuff for the military,” Williams said. “这比坐在里面酷多了 我的另一门课.”

Those are the kinds of bonus opportunities that all computer 科学 students should 抓住,他说.

“I interview candidates for Amazon, so I look at resumes all the time. 任何人都可以 go to class and do their schoolwork and that’s it. 但是那些高高在上的人 beyond, who may participate in competitions, who may have a side project or two, those are the candidates that stick out coming right out 的大学.”


  • 美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that employment in computer and information technology occupations will grow 11% from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations, adding 531,200 new jobs.
  • The federal government has designated the School of Computing as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense.
  • The accelerated bachelor’s to master’s program in computer 科学 typically allows students to complete the master’s degree within one academic year after completing 的学士.



Dr. 托德Andel
(251) 460-6701


