SOAR (Strengthening Opportunities for Achievement and Resilience) Logo

SOAR (Strengthening Opportunities for Achievement and Resilience)

什么是SOAR ??

SOAR (Strengthening Opportunities for Achievement and Resilience) is a research project funded by the National Institutes of Health. It is a collaboration between the Mobile County Public 学校系统 and the 十大玩彩信誉平台.

The goal of SOAR is to reduce violence and suicidality in middle school students.


SOAR is working to build positive relationships between youth and their communities. The four middle schools will be implementing Schoolwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports to enhance their current efforts. All the educators will participate in evidence-based training and coaching in classroom behavior management and in strategies to engage students of diverse backgrounds to increase opportunities for academic success.


SOAR is a partnership between 十大玩彩信誉平台 and the Mobile County Public 学校系统. The intervention will be implemented in the middle schools of four 莫比尔社区.

  • 柏妮丝J. 高西中学
  • 凯瑟琳·H. 汉金斯中学
  • Booker T. 华盛顿中学
  • 帕尔默皮伦斯中学

How will we know if SOAR works?

As a research study, SOAR involves an intensive evaluation process. 学生、教师 and other school personnel will be completing surveys three times a year so we can 看看有没有什么变化. We will also be collecting data from the schools about discipline incidents and attendance.

The intervention will be rolled out in one of the four schools each year, beginning 和考西在2023年秋天. This way, we can see if the intervention is able to show changes from before and after it is implemented and whether there are differences in how well it works between the schools.


National Institutes of Health Logo


Mobile County Public Schools