
A standardized patient, also known as an SP, is an individual specially trained to act as a patient for the instruction, practice, and assessment of physical 检查 and communication skills required by healthcare providers. SP是一个重要的 resource for teaching and evaluating clinical skills. 一些附加定义 包括:
“A person who has been carefully coached to simulate an actual patient so accurately that the simulation cannot be detected by a skilled clinician. 在进行仿真时, the SP presents the gestalt of the patient being simulated; not just the history, but the body language, the physical findings, and the emotional and personality characteristics 也.” Dr. 霍华德·巴罗斯,神经学家
Standardized patients typically have three main 角色s. 这些角色包括角色扮演, 文档和反馈.
  • The first 角色 of an SP is to realistically simulate the 角色 of a patient in a clinical 情况. SPs are trained in the details of an actual case to include the history, personality, and abnormal physical findings that a patient may have. SPs是用来 to be a highly realistic learning and assessment resource for the learner to develop interview skills and physical 检查 techniques.
  • The second 角色 of an SP is to accurately document what occurred in the session with the learner on the checklists you are trained to complete.
  • The third 角色 of the SP is to facilitate learning and provide verbal and written feedback to the learners about their data gathering (interviewing and physical 检查), communication, and interpersonal skills in a supportive and informative way.
是的. Learners know they are working with standardized patients. 他们被告知要守规矩 and interact with SPs exactly as they would with real patients.
 Depending on the goals of the encounter, SPs may wear usual clothing or patient gowns. If the encounter requires a physical assessment, both male and female SPs wear shorts and female SPs wear a sports bra, under a patient gown.
No. Depending on the goals of the encounter, learners simply complete physical assessments 就像在临床环境中一样. 它不包括下面的任何内容 你的短裤或运动胸罩.
▼   I have surgical scars and previous health issues. 我还能成为一个标准化的病人吗?
是的, as long as your health issues do not prevent you from simulating the assigned 角色. Learners are instructed to ignore scars or marks that are not associated with 这个案子.
▼    Do I have to know a lot about medicine or healthcare?
No. 我们会教你所需要知道的. 我们不要求你学习大量的 医疗保健信息的数量.
▼   Will I have to decide if the learner passes or fails?
No.  教师 make all pass/fail decisions based on student performance.  
模拟 教师 will provide case training prior to any scheduled event. SPs学习 case details and are trained on how to answer learner's questions and respond to physical 检查.  然后再练习,直到熟练掌握这个角色. 
No. Some memorization of specific statements is required, but memorization of lengthy 不需要对话.
No. Quite often, our SPs think of this as a less than part-time job. 不同的 number of scheduled events and demographic needs, some weeks require a high number 而其他星期则需要很少或没有需要.
SPs are paid $12 per hour, with a minimum of three hours per scheduled event. 税 are not deducted from earnings and no benefits are included.  税务局会发出1099表格 如果每年赚取600美元或以上,则向每位SP发放津贴.
我很感兴趣或有其他问题. 接下来我该做什么?

You will find an application link and instructions on how to apply on our "Prospective SPs”页面. If you would like more information, you may contact us at simulation@rockmark.net.

