
  • 版画图片库
  • 版画图片库
  • 版画图片库
  • 版画图片库
"版画 is about the searching, learning, and experimentation with different techniques and colors that allows the artist to be able to take multiple approaches 到单个图像."

版画 emphasizes traditional printing practices within a contemporary art context, encouraging interdisciplinary exploration. Linking art historical and current art practices the program prepares students technically, aesthetically and professionally for a future in the visual arts, commercial printing, print publishing, and to continue studies at the graduate level. 学生 work in a variety of printmaking media, such as intaglio, relief, screen print, lithography, monotype/monoprint, collagraph, laser engraving as well as digital and photomechanical processes. 期望学生 to demonstrate artistic proficiency in printmaking, as they are encouraged to explore 概念上的方向. The printmaking area is committed to individual artistic development and we direct our pedagogy toward nurturing artists who learn to explore personal mark making, experiences, studies, and directions in their work. 工作室设备齐全 with an Epilog laser engraver, vacuum exposure unit, two Brand etching presses, a Show Card Proofing Press, a Griffin lithography Press, and Parks lithography press.

For more information about the program, please see the 大学的公告..