

的 philosophy of the curriculum leading to the Doctor of Medicine degree is to impart 医学所依据的基本知识. 基本目标是 prepare students, so that after further specialized training they may follow a variety of careers in the private practice of medicine, teaching, research, medical education 或者医疗管理.

的 Committee on 招生 is charged with final responsibility for selecting students with superior academic and personal attributes who have demonstrated strong motivation for the study of medicine and who show by other measures a strong promise to develop 成为称职的医生. 委员会被赋予选拔的责任 the most qualified students without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, genetic information, disability, protected veteran status or any other applicable legally protected 基础, 不受政治或经济因素影响的选择.

有关医学院录取的详细信息可在 招生办公室.




Since the medical profession needs individuals with a wide range of talents and academic 背景,理科和非理科专业均可考虑. 九十(90)学期 离美国只有几个小时的路程。.S. 地区认可的学院或大学是必需的 本科以上学历优先.

的 following required college courses (including laboratory work) must be completed 在入学之前,必须在美国大学完成.S. 地区认可学院 或者美国的大学.

  • 普通化学及实验:八个学时

  • 普通生物学(含实验):八个学时

  • 数学:六个学时

  • 有机化学及实验:八个学时

  • 普通物理带实验:八个学时

  • 人文学科:三个学期学时

  • 行为与社会科学:三个学时
  • 英语写作或文学:六个学时

生物化学可以代替有机化学II. 统计学与免疫学 也是推荐的.



所有申请人都必须参加医学院入学考试(MCAT)和 apply to medical school through the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS).

AMCAS每年6月1日开始接受申请. 完成应用程序 and all materials, including official transcripts, must be submitted to AMCAS no later 11月1日以后. 如果申请在截止日期后提交,学生必须 contact the school directly and obtain permission for AMCAS to process the application.

AMCAS为有需要的学生提供费用援助计划. 这些学生 granted a fee waiver will automatically qualify for a secondary application fee waiver 从医学院毕业.

所有的你.S. 申请永久居民身份的公民和国际申请人 会收到二次申请吗. 学生的信息和文件 furnish will provide the 招生 Committee with an opportunity to learn more about 每一位候选人. 报名费为75美元,不可退还 form.



In the early phase of the selection process, the 招生 Committee relies on objective 比如平均成绩,MCAT分数,课程内容和水平 采取,学习成绩趋势,预健康咨询复习,课外活动 活动和居住状态.

Once the student’s credentials have been favorably reviewed, the applicant is invited 与招生委员会成员面谈. 约200名申请者 被邀请参加面试. 申请人由招生办成员面试 委员会和特别采访者. 每次面试时间为30分钟. 的 interviewers are supplied with the AMCAS profile of the applicant and an evaluation form. In addition to the interviews, applicants have an opportunity to meet with current 医学专业的学生.

招生委员会面试评估申请人的能力和技能 满足学院制定的非学术要求所必需的 the personal and emotional characteristics that are necessary to become a competent 医生.

Specifically, the applicant’s communication, empathy, leadership, team-orientation, previous life and work experiences, research experience, regional bilingual language 对我们多元文化社会的熟练程度和敏感性进行评估.



的 医学院’s goal is to select candidates who have the potential to address 医疗行业面临的广泛需求. 具备以下条件的候选人 been accepted must notify the school of their decisions within two weeks of the offer. If further information is needed to expedite a decision, students are encouraged to 打电话寻求澄清.

延期录取:在特殊情况下,申请人可以延期录取 who is offered a position in the freshman class of the 医学院 to request 将他们的医学学习推迟一年或两年. 书面请求 that describes the reason for the deferral should be received by the 招生办公室 不迟于六月一日. 延迟请求的批准将基于感知到的 学生提出的理由是否有效. 延期申请的申请人不得申请 不接受其他学校延期入学学年的录取.



学院参与由美国科学院运作的电子教学计划. 这个程序是为 争强好胜的学生将选择范围缩小到一个选择. 的 chief benefits include the security of having an early guaranteed position, reduced application and travel fees involved in applying to multiple institutions, and the 尽早开始财务规划的机会. 申请 提前决定候选人应该在全国范围内具有竞争力. EDP是有限的 to residents of Alabama, the Florida panhandle, and the Mississippi Gulf Coast counties, 哪些有资格获得州内学费. 一般入学手续适用于 ,但下列情况除外:

  • 考生必须在AMCAS申请中表明EDP的意向.
  • 完整的AMCAS申请必须在8月1日之前收到.
  • MCAT成绩必须在9月1日之前提供.
  • Under the EDP guidelines, applicants agree to apply to one medical school and attend 如果医学院录取了你.
  • 候选人将在10月1日前收到结果通知.
  • EDP candidates are required to have a minimum composite MCAT score of 503 and a grade-point 平均3分.50. 然而,拥有最低要求只允许学生 被考虑参加EDP面试. 这并不能保证面试.
  • Candidates who are not accepted through the EDP are placed in the regular applicant 并可免费申请其他医学院.


Opportunities to transfer to our school are limited to the third year on a space-available 基础. 由于流失率非常低,很少有转会空间可用.

所有转学申请人目前应在LCME注册良好的信誉 被认可的医学院,并且必须有令人信服的理由转学. 学生 who are attending non-LCME-accredited medical schools, offshore medical schools or 整骨疗法学校将不予考虑.

学生 believe they meet these requirements should submit a request for consideration, 包括目前就读的学校和申请转学的原因 罗杰斯在 arodgers@rockmark.net

详细信息可在 招生办公室.



因为M.D. 学位表明持证人是准备入职的医生 into the practice of medicine within postgraduate training programs, it follows that graduates must have the knowledge and skills to function in a broad variety of clinical 并提供广泛的病人护理.

M候选人.D. 度必须有躯体感觉和功能的运用 视觉和听觉. 候选人的诊断能力也会因此而降低 平衡、嗅觉和味觉的功能运用. 此外,他们 must have sufficient exteroceptive sense (touch, pain and temperature), and sufficient 本体感觉(位置、压力、运动、立体感和振动). 他们 must be able to consistently, quickly and accurately integrate all information received by whatever sense(s) employed, and they must have the intellectual ability to learn, 整合、分析和综合数据.

的 technical standards are published in the 医学院 招生 Policies and Procedures Manual, which is provided to all faculty, administrators and students 谁参与了录取过程. 对技术标准进行了审查 每年由副院长和招生主任颁发,并提交给 如有需要,可报招生委员会批准修改. 学生 不符合所有技术标准的必须提交伤残证明文件吗 and application for reasonable accommodation to the Office of Student Disability Services 在十大玩彩信誉平台.

有关招生过程的进一步咨询,请发送电子邮件至 arodgers@rockmark.net.



的 早期录取计划(EAP) 是由大学荣誉学院和医学院合办的. 的 医学院 EAP offers a small number of qualified high school seniors a conditional acceptance to the 十大玩彩信誉平台 医学院 contingent 在圆满完成课程后.