Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 研究生 国家奖

查尔斯·B. Rangel 国际 Affairs Program
Two year fellowships for graduate studies in international affairs. 
唐纳德·米. Payne 国际 Development Fellowship
Funding for graduate studies and internships, as well as mentoring and professional development activities, for individuals interested in becoming USAID Foreign Service 军官.
Ford Foundation Diversity 奖学金
Several awards for graduate study to increase diversity of college faculties. 
小赫伯特·斯科维尔. 和平奖学金
Six to nine month fellowships for college graduates to study issues of peace and security 在华盛顿.
James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation 
Two years of study leading to an M. A. and secondary school teaching career in American 历史与政府. 
Samuel Huntington Public Service
One year award for graduating seniors to pursue a public-service project.

托马斯·R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship
Two year graduate fellowship for studies in fields of interest to the Foreign Service.  Applicants must be interested in a career with the Foreign Service.