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Policy No: 2095
Responsible Office: Human Resources
Last Review Date: 11/22/2022
Next Required Review: 11/22/2027
Policy No: 2095
Responsible Office: Human Resources
Last Review Date: 11/22/2022
Next Required Review: 11/22/2027

Sick Leave

1. Purpose

This policy provides information about the accrual and appropriate use of sick leave, available to benefits-eligible USA employees.

2. Applicability


3. Definitions

Immediate Family -的定义包括下列居住在同一家庭内外的人:配偶, son, daughter, mother and father. Upon request, evidence of family relationship may be required.

4. Policy Guidelines

4.1  General Information

当你因病或受伤而不能履行工作职责时,提供病假是为了保护你在生病期间免受收入损失, 当你必须获得与健康相关的专业服务,而这些服务在正常工作时间之外无法安排, 每次你必须照顾重病的直系亲属不超过三天, 或者当你家里有人因为传染病被医生或医疗机构隔离时.

4.2  Extended Period of Leave / FMLA

However, 如果缺勤需要额外休假,并且符合《十大玩彩信誉平台》的要求, the Family and Medical Leave (FML) policy will apply. FML is for the birth, adoption or foster care of a child, an employee's own serious health condition, for the care of a dependent child, spouse, or parent with a serious health condition, or because of any qualifying event that occurs due to the fact that the spouse, son, 雇员的女儿或父母在武装部队服役(或已被通知即将被召唤或命令服役)以支持应急行动. 人力资源部协助主管和员工处理所有不符合FML资格的成年子女的带薪休假申请和适用的带薪休假选择. See USA’s FMLA policy for more details (see link in Section 7.1).

员工可以使用最多60个工作日或480小时(三个月)的带薪病假,用于完全或间歇性FML符合条件的家庭成员疾病,同时批准FML休假. FML leave is for up to a maximum of 90 calendar days (three months) per rolling year. 人力资源部协助主管和员工处理所有不符合FML资格的成年子女的带薪休假申请和适用的带薪休假选择.

5. Procedures

5.1  Communication with Supervisor

你必须在你缺勤的第一天尽快向你的主管报告你的缺勤情况,之后每天都要报告. 告诉你的上司你的疾病的性质或缺勤的原因,以及你预计多长时间不能工作. 连续三个工作日或三个班次未与主管沟通将被视为自愿辞职,而无需适当通知. 如果你没有在规定的时间报到工作,你的主管没有责任联系你.

你的主管有责任确保你在合法的情况下使用病假. Until your supervisor is satisfied that you have used sick time properly, your supervisor may deny approval of sick pay.

Upon request of your supervisor, you may be required to show evidence of your illness (or if applicable, an immediate family member’s illness) in the form of a physician’s statement. 大学还保留要求您由其选择的医生进行检查的权利. When there is evidence of abuse of sick leave, you will not be paid for that time taken. Additionally, abuse of sick leave is grounds for disciplinary action.

Vacation pay will not normally be granted in lieu of sick leave.


5.2  Sick Leave Accrual and Carryover

Sick leave is accrued only when you are in an active pay status which includes, but is not limited to:

    • Normal work hours;
    • Paid vacation;
    • Paid sick leave;
    • Paid jury duty;
    • Other paid administrative leave.

Regular employees who are appointed to work 20 hours or more per week (.(50名全职工作人员或以上)自入职第一天起,按 .04615 for each hour worked up to 40 hours of work per week. This equals 12 sick days per year if you are paid for 2,080 hours during a complete year. Example: .04615 x 2,080 hours worked = 96 hours or 12 (8-hour) days sick leave. 正式兼职员工的病假福利支付是基于病假发生之日安排的工作时间.

There is no limit of the amount of sick leave an employee may accrue.

Regular part-time employees appointed to work less than 20 hours per week (less than .50 FTE) are not eligible to accrue sick leave benefits. Temporary employees do not accrue sick leave benefits.


5.3  Transfer of Sick Leave From a Retirement Systems of Alabama (RSA) Participating Agency

当你在另一个参与RSA的机构或机构工作时,你可能会获得病假积分, 前提是你辞去了那个职位,接受了十大玩彩信誉平台的职位. Requests for transfer (credit) may be made in writing, to Human Resources, 并应包括由前一机构的工资/会计部门出具的公证声明,证明您的累计病假余额.


Subject to certain limitations, 正式雇员可以将累计病假转换为阿拉巴马州教师退休制度的会员服务积分,以申请服务退休.

5.5  Use of Sick Leave During Holidays

If you are absent due to illness during a holiday, you will be granted holiday pay in lieu of sick pay. 您必须在假期或替代假期的前一天和后一天休假,才有资格获得假期工资.

5.6  Reasonable Accommodation Request

十大玩彩信誉平台致力于根据1973年康复法案(第504条)非歧视和雇佣有身体和精神残疾的合格个人。, 经《十大玩彩信誉平台》(ADAAA)修订的《十大玩彩信誉平台》(ADA), and state and local laws and ordinances. 大学的出勤政策取决于ADA和ADAAA规定的合理住宿要求.

It is the employee’s responsibility to request an accommodation. 工作场所住宿的要求将要求员工完成大学的 Employee Accommodation Request form and submit it to Human Resources for review. 大学可能会要求员工的限制,从适当的医疗保健提供者的书面文件. If obtaining this information is necessary the employee will be provided with a Medical Inquiry form for the health care provider to complete. Once the required documentation is reviewed and approved, 大学将与员工进行互动,以寻求合理住宿的可用性.

If the request for a workplace accommodation is granted, 住宿的实施将由员工所在部门在人力资源部门的指导下进行. 已获得工作场所住宿的员工必须报告对住宿的持续需求的变化.

6. Enforcement

Human Resources Department owns and administrates this policy. 不遵守本政策的条款可能会危及员工的质量为利益的能力.

7. Related Documents

7.1  Family Medical Leave (policy)
7.2  Military Leave (policy)
7.3  Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) Leave (policy)
7.4  Staff Employee Handbook
7.5  Employee Accommodation Request Form
7.6  Medical Inquiry Form