

Through your contribution to undergraduate endowed scholarships, you will become an invaluable partner of the University of 南 阿拉巴马州. Your gift translates into student scholarships, providing educational opportunities that otherwise would not have been 可用. We invite you to help us open doors and secure affordable educational opportunities for current and future students through the Mitchell-Moulton 学者hip Initiative.


Make an Immediate Impact

  • 现金礼物-This is the simplest and easiest gift you can make. It can be made by credit card, personal check, cashier's check or money order made payable to University of 南 阿拉巴马州. 今天做一份礼物 在线 或者通过我们的 邮寄表格.
  • 匹配的礼物 from your employer can double-or even triple-your gift.

Grow Your Contribution Over Time

  • 礼物的承诺 -With a pledge, you may complete your gift by making regular payments over time.
  • 赋予的礼物 -An endowment is intended to permanently support the University. 可以送礼物 outright or pledged over a number of years.

Recognize a Special Person

  • 纪念礼物 can be made in honor of a family member, classmate, professor or other member of the 美国社区.

If you have questions regarding making a gift, establishing an endowed scholarship, your employer’s matching program, or how to make a memorial gift, please contact the 发展办公室 & 校友关系 at (251) 460-7032.