
This section of  the  Staff  Employee  Handbook  is  divided  into  three parts. Section 5.1 includes policies and practices applicable for all benefits- eligible staff employees.  第五节.2  includes  specifics  about the University’s traditional leave program 休息时间. Section 5.3包括十大玩彩信誉平台美国健康带薪休假的细节 (PTO) Program for staff employees in hospital and designated clinical positions.

For requirements related to work schedules, working hours, rest and meal periods, 加班,并记录工作时间,请参考 Attendance policy.

If you are a regular employee, with proper approvals, you may be granted a personal leave of absence, normally not to exceed 90 calendar days, provided that it is operationally feasible and you have been employed at the University without any interruption in 服务至少六个月.

有关详细资料,请参阅大学的 事假 policy.


The 家庭医疗假 (FML) policy at the 十大玩彩信誉平台 is governed by the 家庭医疗假 Act (FMLA) of 1993, and the National Defense Authorization 2008年NDAA法案. 如果你是符合条件的员工,你可以从你的公司请假 job for a limited period of time to address certain family responsibilities or for 你自己严重的健康问题. 

有关详细资料,请参阅大学的 家庭医疗假 policy.

The University complies with federal and state laws applicable to military leave, which assures University employees who perform service in the uniformed services are entitled to a military leave of absence from their University positions, subject to the limitations and restrictions set forth in federal and state laws and University policy.

有关详细资料,请参阅大学的 军队离开 policy.

If you are a regular employee of the 十大玩彩信誉平台, and you are a member of a Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT), upon  activation, you are entitled to a military leave of absence for all days  engaged in field or coast defense or other training or service ordered under the National Defense Act, the Public Health and Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002, or of the federal 管理美国储备的法律.

有关详细资料,请参阅大学的 DMAT policy.

Regular employees may, with prior supervisory approval, be granted administrative 请带薪休假,并请办理下列事由:

  • 直系亲属死亡 
  • Voting
  • Jury Duty
  • 证人传票 
  • 个人的灾难

Refer to Section 5.2.5 (大学总务部)及科 5.3.10 (美国卫生部)十大玩彩信誉平台紧急关闭的指导方针.


You may request paid administrative leave due to the death of an immediate family 经您的主管批准,您最多可成为会员24小时. 固定兼职雇员 will be paid administrative leave hours at the regular rate of pay based on their FTE.

In the context of this section, immediate family is defined to include the following: spouse, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, mother-in-law, and father-in-law. Exceptions to the definition of immediate family member may be approved by the Division Head.

▼ Voting
In the event an employee does not have sufficient time outside of working hours to 投票时,员工可以抽出足够的时间进行投票. 在可能的情况下,主管应该这样做 在投票日之前至少两(2)天通知.

大学认识到这是所有美国学生的义务.S. 为市民服务 当陪审团被传唤时. 缺席陪审义务被认为是带薪行政 leave.

All employees will be allowed time off to perform such civic service as required by law. Employees are expected, however, to provide proper notice of a request to perform jury duty. 在陪审期间,无论如何,你都不需要报到工作 of shift. You should provide your supervisor with your certificate from court which indicates your dates of service to ensure that you receive administrative leave.


A regular or temporary employee who receives a subpoena to appear as a witness in a court proceeding in which the employee is not a defendant or plaintiff may request 带薪行政休假出庭. 

雇员必须向他的主管提交传票的副本. 如果出庭 is required due to the employee’s participation as a defendant or plaintiff, or other 个人利益,员工可要求休假.


You may request paid administrative leave for absence due to a personal disaster, such as home destruction or serious accident to a member of your immediate family 如第5节所定义.2.1(病假政策)等. 正式全职雇员 可以申请最多24小时的实习,并得到主管的批准. 普通的兼职 employees will be paid administrative leave hours at the regular rate of pay based 他们的全职工作时间.

Severe weather and other related events that impact all University employees are not 通常被认为是个人灾难.


十大玩彩信誉平台, USA HealthCare Management, LLC, and the USA Healthcare Authority (USA Employer Group) strive to protect its employees from undue financial hardship resulting from qualified job-related injuries, illnesses, or disabilities. The Worker’s Compensation Act of the State of Alabama does not apply to the USA Employer Group. The University’s On-the-Job Injury Program will cover employees’ approved medical expenses and lost wages incurred as a result of an on-the-job injury (OJI).

有关详细资料,请参阅大学的 工作场所发生的事故 policy.